Beginner Course in Islamic Studies (Alimiyat Course)

Connecting with Almighty through Holy Quran

The assertions of the Almighty in Holy Quran clearly states in the verse 2:2 from Surah Al - Baqarah in the Holy Quran which translates to "This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah". This verse emphasizes the Holy Quran's divine origin and its role as a guide for those who are mindful of Allah, highlighting its significance as a source of spiritual and moral guidance. This means that Almighty is the most ideal guidance for mankind and following His guidance is through reading the Holy Quran and creation a spiritual connection with Almighty.

The verse "Allama al-insana ma lam yalam" (Arabic: عَلَّمَ الْإِنسَانَ مَا لَمْ يَعْلَمْ) is from Surah Al Alaq, the 96th chapter of the Holy Quran. This chapter is titled "The Clot" in English, referring to the early stages of human development. The verse translates to "He taught man that which he knew not". This verse highlights the idea that all knowledge comes from Allah, as humans are initially born in a state of ignorance and are taught by Allah's guidance. This concept is emphasized throughout the Holy Quran, emphasizing the importance of seeking knowledge and understanding the divine wisdom within the holy text.

Thus there is no knowledge hidden from  the Almighty and He is the provider of all the knowledge and intelligence.

By clinging to the Holy Quran we would not only be on the straight path but will also develop a connection with Almighty and be a better Muslim each day.

Quote From Prophat


Benefits of Reading Holy Quran

Reading Holy Quran is mandatory for each Muslim. Reading Holy Quran not only increases our good deeds but also makes individuals be at peace with themselves and others. It also keeps the person away from anxiety and depression.

Moreover reading Holy Quran with Tajweed (proper pronunciations) and translation would not only increase one’s list of good deeds but also make individual’s heart sufficient to have been understood and pronounce the words and sentences in Holy Quran appropriately.

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